Protection classes in overview

The Intellectual Property Protection Index is an international standard. The index classifies the level of protection provided by the device against the intrusion of solids (e.g. dust) and liquids (e.g. water, oil). Let's take a look at how it's divided up, right?
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The IP protection index is an international standard. This index classifies the level of protection offered by equipment against intrusions by solids (e.g. dust) and liquids (e.g. water, oil).

Code number one indicates protection against solid objects, while code number two indicates protection against liquids.

The table below expresses international protection classes according to DIN EN60529 (IEC529/VDE 047 T1).

Index ISolid objects protection
Index II
Liquids objects protection
0No protection against accidental contact, no protection against solid foreign bodies.0
No protection against water.
1Protection against contact with any large area by hand and against solid foreign bodies with Ø>50mm.1Protection against vertical water drips.
2Protection against contact with any large area by hand and against solid foreign bodies with Ø>12mm.2Protection against diagonal water drips (up to a   15° angle).
Protection against tools, wires or similar objects with Ø>2.5mm and against solid foreign bodies with Ø>2.5mm.
Protection against diagonal water drips (up to a 60°   angle).
4As index 3, however with Ø>1mm.4
Protection against splashed water from all directions.
5Protection against contact and interior injurious  dust deposits.5Protection against water (out of a nozzle) from all directions.
6Total protection against contact, protection against dust penetration.6
Protection against ingress of water in case of temporary flooding.
7Protection against ingress of water in case of temporary immersion.
Protection against ingress of water in case of continuous immersion, requirements under agreement of user and manufacturer.

So we should choose the appropriate IP index LED lighting according to our needs. Laidishine provides various protection grades of LED lightings, welcome to inquire.


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