Laidishine & ChinaShop 2023

We invite you to visit our booth at Chinashop2023, where you can experience our products firsthand and learn more about our lighting solutions. Our booth number is N2020.
Chinashop2023 laidishine

As one of the leading providers of professional commercial refrigeration lighting solutions, Laidishine is thrilled to announce our attendance at Chinashop2023 in Chongqing, from the 19th to the 21st of April.

Chinashop is a highly anticipated annual event that brings together professionals in the retail industry from all over the world. As a platform for exploring and showcasing new products and technologies, it is an excellent opportunity for us to present our latest innovations in commercial refrigeration lighting solutions to industry peers, partners, and customers.

At Laidishine, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, energy-efficient lighting systems for commercial refrigeration. Our products are designed to help our clients create a comfortable and appealing shopping environment for their customers while minimizing energy costs.

Our innovative lighting systems are the result of a dedicated team of experts in the fields of optics, electronics, and structural engineering. By incorporating the latest technologies and materials, we ensure that our products are reliable, durable, and environmentally friendly.

At Chinashop2023, we will be showcasing our latest products, including our highly efficient LED lighting solutions for refrigeration units. We are confident that our lighting systems will add significant value to your business and help you create an inviting and efficient shopping experience for your customers.

We invite you to visit our booth at Chinashop2023, where you can experience our products firsthand and learn more about our lighting solutions. Our booth number is N2020.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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