The ChinaShop 2024 will open

Laidishine will participate in the ChinaShop2024
Booth layout-01

ChinaShop 2024 will open at the Shanghai Nation and Exhibition Center on March 13th and it will last for three days. As well as it is on a large scale. There is more than 100,000 square meters of exhibition space, 65,000+ professional visitors, 800+  exhibitors, 30+ forums. It gathers Chinese top retail brands, the world’s most advanced digital retail technology and foreign facilities and equipment, and well-known domestic and foreign FMCGs. Not only does it reflect the development of the ChinaShop, but also it shows the digital retail thriving.


Laidishine has been focusing on lights for more than 12 years. will also participate in the ChinaShop2024. Laidishine has participated in Nearly ten sessions of exhibitions, such as the Kunming exhibition, Chongqing exhibition, and Shanghai exhibitions. Firstly, it improves industry visibility through these exhibitions, and many industry practitioners know about Laidishine. Secondly, it obtains a large number of potential customers. Last but not least, it brings advanced technology to the market.

previous Chinashop
previous Chinashop

And then, in the ChinaShop2024, Laidishine will located in the 8.2 museum Hall A33 booth. It will show detailed lighting solutions for refrigerated commercial showcases, glass door chillers, and shelves for convenience stores as well as ceiling lights of retail shops. To share good resources with everyone in the refrigerated field, it also provides one event with one professional refrigerator manufacturer Generalfushi. Their booth will show a one-stop supermarket cold chain solution together with lighting.

the  effect of Exhibition booth
the effect of Exhibition booth

1. The High-end refrigeration lights-CNP

the CNP series has a unique design that adjusts the angle and integrates with multiple accessories. In addition, It can generate luminescence on both of the sides. Typically, it can be used in the following scenarios:
Mounting the canopy, illumination of the top shelf, and the entire front of the goods.

2. Highly efficient light-SPU

Designed with the latest LED technology, the series of SPU precisely engineered optics puts the light where it is needed most and ensures there is no wasted light. SPU is simple to install and maintain, meanwhile, providing visually color-rich, uniform, vibrant, highly impacting retail displays.

3. New series-TRD

TRD is New Lights. It has many accessories and, therefore flexible installation. In addition, it can be used together with spotlights. The most important is that it has many light distribution curves. If you want to learn more, you can come to the booth of Laidishine.
The objective of Laidishine’s participation in this exhibition is to focus on
Broadening horizons, opening up ideas, learning advanced skills, as well as communication and cooperation. Take advantage of this opportunity, it will communicate and negotiate with visiting clients, further enhancing the company’s influence.

After ten years of ups and downs, Laidishine still adheres to the original intention as before: Putting product quality first and manufacturing products that meet customer needs. Only by constantly updating and iterating, exploring, and innovating, it can meet the demands of the market. whether you need refrigerated display light or shelf light, there will be a satisfactory overall solution at the booth of Laidishine. I also believe that enterprises that adhere to their original aspiration can have a brilliant future.


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