About Quick-frozen Food – Part 2

Quick-frozen foods must be packaged in pre-packaging which protects them against external contamination and drying.
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What do we need to pay attention to when choosing quick-frozen food?

Quick-frozen foods must be packaged in pre-packaging which protects them against external contamination and drying.

The labelling of quick-frozen foods must include the sales name, the indication ‘quick-frozen’ and the batch identification. The other compulsory information varies according to the intended consumer of that product.

So we should check the maker and sales information and dates on packaging. Do not choose frozen foods of poor quality or appearance, such as severe frost on the inside of the package, or damaged packaging. And we also should confirm whether the temperature of the display freezer is maintained below -18°C and whether the LED lightings in the freezer keep cool, not heat up.

Once we purchase frozen food, get it home and into the fridge or freezer as quickly as possible. If plan to cook immediately, it is recommended to follow the thawing methods we shared last week.


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