Maintenance Costs of LED Lightings (2)

One of the most underrated benefits of LED lighting is the lower maintenance costs.
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Let’s continue to talk about the maintenance costs of LED lightings.

When do maintenance costs arise?

Many light sources break earlier than necessary. Then they lose their luminosity, yellow, or start to flicker. This not only costs nerves but also time and money. This is because expenses can increase if you continue to use traditional light sources such as compact fluorescent and gas discharge lamps, or if you buy poor quality light sources. Maintenance costs can manifest themselves in the following three dimensions:

Cost of replacement lamps and accessories

Labour costs

Guarantee protection and duration

Cost of replacement lamps and accessories

No question about it: if bulbs are defective, new ones must be found! Since flickering, for example, puts a lot of strain on the eyes and can lead to symptoms of fatigue and migraines in the long term, the IEC standard IEC 62722-2-1 states provide flicker-free lighting at the workplace. Failure to comply with the norm can, in the worst case, face heavy fines. You owe yourself and your employees good lighting. However, especially in companies, there are many light sources that have to be replaced, including the necessary accessories. Due to the shorter lifespan of conventional lamps, they may need to be replaced every three to five years. That means unnecessary costs that you should no longer accept. If you switch to LED lightings, you do not have to replace your lamps for up to 30 years and you save a lot of money. This means that your acquisition costs will also be quickly amortized.


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