About Cold Storage Global Market (2)

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As a supplier of cold storage/cold room LED lightings, we care about the cold storage/cold room industry.

With the development of the cold storage industry, the demand for cold storage/cold room LED lightings is also growing. What is the background of the development of cold storage?

Online shopping for grocery items is a major driver ticking the demand for cold storage upwards even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fueled by increasing popularity and consumer adoption coupled with pandemic-led favorable trends, online orders are estimated to account for about 10%-15% of the overall grocery shopping in 2022. The development is driving various companies to construct new cold storage facilities for preserving perishable food items and reducing spoilage. These facilities are playing an important role in accommodating massive surge in online grocery shopping. The construction activity is buoyed by surge in food sales in the recent years. The shift towards online grocery shopping was further fast-tracked by the COVID-19 crisis that altered consumer preferences and market conditions.

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