Costan Frigidaire Wine Coolers

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We manufacture LED lightings for refrigerated display cabinets, so our LED lightings also are used for wine coolers and beverage cabinets.

The frigidaire wine cooler is the ideal solution to highlight the quality of products and support sales.

The refined tastes of wine lovers are influenced not only by the wine growers, but also by the retailers, always in search of cooling solutions able to enhance the wide range of labels and protect quality and the environment.

Epta proposes vertical display cabinets Ballet Next of the Slim Fit family, branded Costan and designed to recreate the furniture of a wine bar inside stores and restaurants.

A selection of white and red wines to discover. The sloped shelves and the LED lighting ensure excellent display and enhance the liveliness of the labels. Furthermore, the full glass doors finished in stainless steel and the product stoppers in wood confer an elegant modern layout to the self-contained plug-in.

The frigidaire wine coolers Ballet Next are the ideal choice to perfectly preserve the organoleptic properties of the wines, with temperatures between 6° and 12° for whites and 14° to 18° for reds.

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