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The CHINASHOP Expo-News Cover

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The CHINASHOP Expo is hosted by the China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA), a national industry organization in the chain operation field.

Since its establishment in 1999, the exhibition has experienced 22 years of development and has now become an annual professional exhibition in the retail industry. As the world’s leading professional retail exhibition, CHINASHOP represents the forward-looking and innovative nature of China’s retail industry.

In July, the list of the top 100 Chinese supermarkets in 2020 released by CCFA, according to the list, the sales volume of Chinese supermarkets in 2020 was 968 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.4%. CHINASHOP will continue to help China’s retail industry’s growth.

On November 18-20, 2021, the 23rd China Retail Expo will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). This exhibition op is expected to exhibit more than 900 exhibitors, and the professional audiences are expected to exceed 80,000 people. The exhibition will set up nine themes, including retail display props and commercial lighting exhibition.

Our company participates in this exhibition every year. This year we will also participate. Looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition.

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