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Market Scale Of China’s LED Chip Industry in 2021

LED Chip Industry-News Cover

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In general, the overall development of the LED chip industry presents more obvious cyclical fluctuations. From 2008 to the present, LED chip industry in China has undergone four rounds of cyclical changes, and each round of cyclical changes presents a development oftechnical breakthroughs/application expansion-company expansion/price increase-overcapacity/price declinetrend. After experiencing overcapacity and falling prices in the LED chip industry in 2019, the LED chip industry will usher in growth in 2020. Benefiting from the growth of terminal demand and the promotion of Mini LED technology, the LED chip industry will usher in a new round of growth cycle. According to CSA data, the market of my country’s LED chip industry will reach 22.1 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of 10.0% over 2019.

LED chip is the most important part in our led lightings. We hope that the supply and price of LED chips are stable.

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