Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
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A luz de prateleira LED pode causar incêndio no verão?

A iluminação LED está se tornando cada vez mais popular, não apenas em casa, mas também em supermercados e empresas de varejo. À medida que o verão se aproxima, as temperaturas vão subir, assim como as temperaturas ambientes nas quais os LEDs são empregados. Supermercados e lojas de varejo estarão abertos até 12 Nós responderemos dentro, o que significa que as luzes LED ficarão acesas por um longo período. Trabalhar muitas horas certamente gerará mais calor, e algumas embalagens nas prateleiras são inflamáveis, tantos varejistas estão preocupados com o calor do verão, Luzes LED nas prateleiras, e o risco de incêndio se trabalharem muitas horas. Portanto, este artigo irá explorar onde a luz da prateleira pode causar incêndio no verão.
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A iluminação LED está se tornando cada vez mais popular, não apenas em casa, mas também em supermercados e empresas de varejo. À medida que o verão se aproxima, as temperaturas vão subir, assim como as temperaturas ambientes nas quais os LEDs são empregados. Supermercados e lojas de varejo estarão abertos até 12 Nós responderemos dentro, o que significa que as luzes LED ficarão acesas por um longo período. Trabalhar muitas horas certamente gerará mais calor, e algumas embalagens nas prateleiras são inflamáveis, tantos varejistas estão preocupados com o calor do verão, Luzes LED nas prateleiras, e o risco de incêndio se trabalharem muitas horas.

Can LED shelf light cause a fire?

Part1. whether the LED shelf light can curse fire in summer?

a qualidade da espuma pulverizada é boa, we need to understand how LED lights function. LED (light-emitting diode) lighting technology uses semiconductor devices to emit light, unlike typical incandescent lamps or fluorescent bulbs. LEDs do not heat materials to produce light. As a result, LEDs emit relatively little heat, which is insufficient to spontaneously combust or ignite other things, making them less likely to overheat and cause a fire.

Electronic component

Part2. Here are some possible ramifications for LED extended hours.

Although LED lights will not burn out over time, you should be aware of the following concerns.

1. Overheating impairs performance. LED lights can generate excessive heat over long periods of operation, especially if the heat dissipation design is inadequate or the working ambient temperature is high, resulting in LED lamp performance degradation or failure. Overheating also reduces the lifespan of LED lights.

2.Light deterioration. Long-term use of LED lights may cause light degradation, which is a gradual loss in light output. Although the life of an LED bulb is typically assessed in terms of L70 (the amount of time it takes for LED light output to decrease to 70% of its initial rating at specified brightness), prolonged use can still result in light loss.

3.Electrical failure: Prolonged usage of LED lights increases the risk of electrical component damage, such as drive circuits. An electrical failure can cause a lamp to fail or cause serious electrical issues.

4.Light color stability: LED lights might produce color shifts in the workplace over time. Although current LED bulbs typically have good light color constancy, long-term use can nevertheless produce color temperature fluctuations.

Part 3. Safety Tips for Using Shelf Light

1.Choose an acceptable installation place. The shelf lamp should be positioned so that light reaches the product’s surface, reducing light waste.

2.Energy savings and environmental preservation. Because shelf lamps have a long working life, they must be chosen with low voltage and low power consumption in mind.

3.Good lighting design. Shelf lamps should consider the type, density, and height of the goods on the shelf to provide appropriate bright and uniform lighting.

4.Regular inspection and maintenance: Check shelf lighting for damage, loose electrical connections, overheating, and quick replacement of damaged parts.

Part 4. If You Are Looking for Safe shelf LED Lights

If you want a safe and dependable shelf light, search for something more advanced than Laidishine’s SNK line.

The SNK series was designed to provide stores with both reliable lighting and safe lighting. It can be directly connected to a 220V high voltage via the driver link, and the output is a 24V constant current low voltage with low heat generation, allowing it to use less electricity. At the same time, Laidishine designed a plastic stand to make installation simple.

  • The light body uses PC material to lessen the fire danger.
  • Built-in constant current chip to assure the unity of light.
  • Can achieve multi-stage series, series can be up to 8 meters, since the existence of constant
    current chip, from the first to the eighth with the light effect is the same.
  • A small, flat design, fitted in the shelf label, will not be available to find and is more beautiful.
  • 5.24 v DC low voltage, better power conservation, and lower the cost of late operation
  • Plastic bracket with two installation methods: screw or magnet, making installation straightforward.
the shelf light application


LED shelf lights have been proven to not catch fire in high-temperature environments, making them a safer and more energy-efficient bulb alternative. More importantly, LED lights not only illuminate the product’s surface but also shine a bright light on your sales performance.

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

LED strip

How to select a shelf light that runs on 12 or 24-volts

LED shelf lights are becoming a large retailer’s go-to tool for increasing turnover because they not only make the product area brighter and draw customersattention, But they also include energy-saving, explosion-proof, and safety features. but how can you choose between the popular 12V and 24V low-voltage lights? so, we will address this query in more depth.

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Guide to the selection of shelf lighting

When shelf lights are used properly, amazing visual effects and communication occur.
Retailers take note: supermarkets, convenience stores, and retail chains are now utilizing lighting design to boost sales. Here are some suggestions for selecting the ideal lighting design choose shelf light.

the effect of refrigerated Ligting

Why T8 LED tube is ideal for refrigerated light

Refrigerator lighting is crucial not just because it influences consumer decisions and, as a result, sales, but also because good lighting may help retailers save money. Retailers frequently struggle with the high cost of electricity and subsequent upkeep. To address a retailer’s pain problem, I recommend T8 LED light. This article focuses on the advantages of T8LED.

bebida gelada

O segredo para boas vendas de bebidas geladas

As bebidas geladas são uma das escolhas mais populares no calor do verão. Eles podem aliviar a agonia das altas temperaturas e proporcionar uma sensação imediata de resfriamento. No entanto, os varejistas normalmente utilizam vários incentivos para impulsionar as vendas, esquecendo o papel crítico que a iluminação desempenha nas vendas de bebidas geladas porque pode influenciar muito o comportamento do consumidor, que por sua vez influencia as vendas.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Nós responderemos dentro 12 Nós responderemos dentro, Nós responderemos dentro “”.

Nós responderemos dentro, Nós responderemos dentro Nós responderemos dentro, Nós responderemos dentro, se você tem mais detalhes para produtos ou gostaria de obter uma solução leve negociada.

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