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Das Geheimnis eines guten Verkaufs von Kaltgetränken

Kalte Getränke gehören bei heißem Sommerwetter zu den beliebtesten Getränken. Sie können die Qual heißer Temperaturen lindern und für ein sofortiges Gefühl der Abkühlung sorgen. jedoch, Einzelhändler nutzen in der Regel verschiedene Anreize, um den Umsatz anzukurbeln, Dabei wird die entscheidende Rolle vergessen, die die Beleuchtung beim Verkauf von Kaltgetränken spielt, da sie das Verbraucherverhalten stark beeinflussen kann, was wiederum den Umsatz beeinflusst.
kaltes Getränk

When the birds sing, the land is enveloped in warmth, signaling the arrival of summer. It’s enough to make you feel nice when you sip a cool beverage. Kalte Getränke gehören bei heißem Sommerwetter zu den beliebtesten Getränken. Sie können die Qual heißer Temperaturen lindern und für ein sofortiges Gefühl der Abkühlung sorgen.

cold dink in the freezer

jedoch, summer is a peak season for cold drink sales. When it comes to cold drink sales, Einzelhändler nutzen in der Regel verschiedene Anreize, um den Umsatz anzukurbeln, Dabei wird die entscheidende Rolle vergessen, die die Beleuchtung beim Verkauf von Kaltgetränken spielt, da sie das Verbraucherverhalten stark beeinflussen kann, was wiederum den Umsatz beeinflusst. Let’s check how refrigeration display light influences cold drink sales and why it’s an important factor in the cold beverage market.

refrigerator lamp effect

1. Provide appropriate illumination.

The first distinguishing feature of refrigeration display light is adequate lighting. Bright lights may highlight the appearance and qualities of things, attracting customersattention and making them more visually appealing. This visual effect increases customer interest in the product and encourages them to make a purchase choice. If the lighting conditions are dull or no lighting, the product will lose recognition, customers on the freshness and quality of the product will be considerably diminished, and even with promotion efforts, it is difficult to have a strong turnover.

2. Increase the product’s attractiveness.

It is in everyone’s nature to enjoy pleasant things. In addition to lighting features, the optimum color temperature can make things more bright and appealing in color. Supermarket and convenience store refrigerators contain more than 10 different kinds of cold drinks. The package is also colorful. The ideal refrigerator lamp illuminates the surface of the products, making them more appealing and attracting customers’ Aufmerksamkeit. Cool white or blue-toned lighting may convey a sense of freshness and cleanliness, which aligns with consumer expectations for refrigerated products.

3. Brand engagement

Refrigerator display light can impact consumer brand perception and engagement. Products displayed under ideal lighting conditions are more likely to make a pleasant impact on customers, boosting brand image and loyalty. Bright displays can instill trust and trustworthiness in customers, encouraging them to stick with known brands or try new products from reputable manufacturers.

4. Try new brands to boost sales.

They can also inspire people to explore different brands or flavors. When customers see a selection of cold drinks in the freezer, they may be more likely to browse and try new ones. Plenty of light will pique clientsinterest and inspire them to try new brands or flavors, resulting in increased sales.

5. Add to the shopping experience

In a competitive retail industry, providing an unforgettable shopping experience is critical for building consumer loyalty. The store’s ambiance, notably the lighting, influences these encounters. A bright refrigerator not only enhances the shopping experience but also contributes to a pleasant overall image. A great shopping experience enhances the likelihood of repeat purchases while also encouraging customer satisfaction and loyalty.

For retailers, enhancing refrigerated lighting is a strategic issue that must be carefully studied. Here are some useful pointers to help you select the best refrigerator display light.

1. High waterproofing rating.

Because the humidity in the refrigerator is higher, the lamp must have specific waterproofing; otherwise, water vapor will enter, affecting the lamp’s performance and lifespan.

2. CRI means well.

The higher the CRI, the more closely the product matches its real color.

3. Strategic Placement

The proper installation position will allow illumination to highlight all products while minimizing shadows in the freezer.

Laidishine‘s refrigerated display light.

In short, refrigerated display light have a significant impact on cold drink sales. In today’s competitive retail climate, retailers can use lighting to optimize product presentation, improve brand image, and increase sales.

If you’re not sure how to choose the proper light for your freezer, I believe you can call Laidishine. It specializes in R&D, manufacture, and sales of all types of commercial refrigerated lighting and can supply you with a full range of refrigerated lighting options.

If you have any questions, please contact us:

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Warum T8-LED-Röhre ideal für Kühllicht ist

Die Beleuchtung von Kühlschränken ist nicht nur deshalb von entscheidender Bedeutung, weil sie die Entscheidungen der Verbraucher beeinflusst, infolge, Der Umsatz, Sondern auch, weil eine gute Beleuchtung Einzelhändlern helfen kann, Geld zu sparen. Einzelhändler haben häufig mit den hohen Stromkosten und den damit verbundenen Wartungskosten zu kämpfen. Um das Schmerzproblem eines Einzelhändlers anzugehen, Ich empfehle T8-LED-Licht. Dieser Artikel konzentriert sich auf die Vorteile von T8LED.

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